You can retrieve information about a task at any time using the get_task() method This is useful for checking the status of previously created tasks or accessing their results.

Basic Usage

from chunkr_ai import Chunkr
chunkr = Chunkr()

# Get task by ID
task = chunkr.get_task("task_123")

# Access task information

Customizing the Response

The get_task() method accepts two optional parameters to customize the response:

# Exclude chunks from output
task = chunkr.get_task("task_123", include_chunks=False) 

# Get task with base64-encoded URLs instead of presigned URLs
task = chunkr.get_task("task_123", base64_urls=True)

Response Options

include_chunksTrueWhen True, includes all processed chunks in the response. Set to False to receive a lighter response without chunk data.
base64_urlsFalseWhen True, returns URLs as base64-encoded strings. When False, returns presigned URLs for direct access.

Async Usage

For async applications, remember to use await:

# Get task asynchronously
task = await chunkr.get_task("task_123")

Best Practices

  • Store task IDs when creating tasks if you need to retrieve them later
  • Use include_chunks=False when you only need task metadata
  • Consider using base64 URLs (base64_urls=True) when you need to cache or store the URLs locally